Hello! My name is Charlotte Kornegay (she/her), and I am a New York City based performer and choreographer in my second year at NYU Tisch School of the Arts studying Musical Theatre at the New Studio on Broadway. Along with my BFA in Drama, I am achieving a double-minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology along with Business in Producing in NYU’s Stern School of Business.
Originally from North Carolina, I began my musical theatre career in high school after years of training strictly in dance. Some of my favorite performance credits include Valerie Clark in A Chorus Line, Miss Adelaide in Guys and Dolls, and Lois Lane in Kiss Me, Kate.
After quickly discovering my passion for the art, I took the leap and moved to New York City to study in the center of it all. So far at NYU Tisch’s NSB, I’ve had the joy of assistant stage managing Bright Star as well as assistant choreographing Damn Yankees. Looking forward, I am thrilled to begin working on our “sophomore project” this Spring, As You Like It.